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This International Women’s Day, Celebrate Women in Healthcare

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There are many ways one could go about celebrating International Women’s Day (March 8th) this year. You could helpfully remind your Congressperson that the United States is virtually the only developed country on earth that doesn’t federally mandate paid maternity leave, for one. While you’re at it, you could ask them to reintroduce equal pay for equal work legislation, for another. Or, a personal favorite, you could dig up your old collection of Susan B. Anthony coins and use them to buy lunch. Here at Soliant, though, we just want to take a moment to celebrate women in healthcare, a field in which women arguably work harder and make a larger impact than they do in any other.

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Back to School Prep Tips for School Nurses

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Parents everywhere are cheering, kids are groaning, and teachers and school nurses are preparing themselves for another school year. It’s back to school time, and everyone is getting ready for what they hope to be a safe, healthy, and successful school year. While the process of preparing for the year is different in every school and district, here are some great tips to help you get your year off to a good start: Continue reading “Back to School Prep Tips for School Nurses”


9 Effective Nursing-Friendly Charities

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If it’s all you can do to find the hours to volunteer your time to a good cause, but still want to help make a difference in a medical cause on a larger scale than day-to-day work, don’t worry…

There are dozens of charities well-aligned to advance the ideals of nurses and their patients, on a global scale.

Here are 9 of the most effective charities that are especially meaningful for nurses and other healthcare professionals.

Such charities are formally categorized as effective when they spend at least 75 per cent of their budget directly on programs, have open-book status for disclosure of their financial information, and – most importantly – by the amount of good they do through the extent of help they offer to people: Continue reading “9 Effective Nursing-Friendly Charities”

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5 Types of Patients (and How They’ve Changed in the Last 15 Years)

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Five years ago, patients were just starting to make use of apps and smartphones to better inform themselves about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment at home and on-the-fly in clinics, hospitals, or wherever symptoms started to occur.

Ten years ago, patients were first starting to use the Internet en-masse to research their conditions, possible treatments, and even perused physician ratings while shopping around for a doctor.

Fifteen years ago, patients had far less access to medical information – Medical professionals were seen as the primary and sometimes sole source of insight for patients. And treatment for a number of common life-threatening ailments was significantly less advanced.

Here’s a look at the types of patients medical professionals encounter, contrasted with how they’ve changed since the 1990s: Continue reading “5 Types of Patients (and How They’ve Changed in the Last 15 Years)”


8 Reasons Nurses Get Fired

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Donald Trump might have turned the words “You’re fired!” into a pop culture phrase, but the reality is no one likes to hear those words; not even nurses. Over the years, interest in nursing careers has almost doubled, due to the health sector creating over 500,000 new jobs every year.

Despite the huge demand for trained individuals, nurses still find themselves facing the chopping block. Whether considering a career in nursing, or you are currently employed as a nurse, learning the common reasons nurses get fired can help you avoid a day of judgment.
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