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4 Reasons School Nursing is a Rewarding Career Choice

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There are many directions that you can go with your career in nursing, but many find that school nursing is one of the most rewarding paths that a nurse can take. At a glance, the idea of becoming a school nurse might seem a bit on the boring side, doling out band-aids and calling parents to pick up kids who have fallen victim to the latest stomach bug. The reality, though, is that school nursing is a very challenging and rewarding career for those who decide to go into the field. Here are four reasons school nursing is a rewarding career choice.

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Monthly Health Theme Ideas for School Nurses

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As a part of the many jobs of the school nurse, helping to educate and bring attention to health issues. Everything has an awareness day or month, it seems, but sorting through to find things that are appropriate for your school community may be a challenge. The best option is to promote issues that matter to those in your community specifically, but if you’re stumped, we have some ideas for the school year listed below. Continue reading “Monthly Health Theme Ideas for School Nurses”

Questions to Ask Before Hiring a School Nurse

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Interviewing for the role of a school nurse is a bit different than filling any other position in either a healthcare or educational setting. There are a lot of special skills and personality traits that make up a good school nurse and you’ll want to ensure that you’re selecting a candidate that embodies these unique qualities. There are many questions to ask before hiring a school nurse, some of which will be customized to your own district’s needs and policies. Here are a few important questions to ask in a school nurse interview that will help you determine whether you have the right person for the job. Continue reading “Questions to Ask Before Hiring a School Nurse”

School Psychologist vs School Counselor – What’s the Difference?

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Among the many job titles you come across in the education sector, that of school counselor vs school psychologist often causes a lot of confusion. When most people think of counseling, they think of mental health therapy, so it’s only natural that they associate the role of a psychologist with this position. However, when you’re talking about school-based positions, school counselors and school psychologists often have very different roles and responsibilities. Continue reading “School Psychologist vs School Counselor – What’s the Difference?”

5 Icebreaker Activities for School Psychologists

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Though summer is here, the next school year is always lingering at the back of the mind of most school psychologists. You may be thinking about what new challenges will pop up over the summer or be on the lookout for new activities that you can use to help your students. As icebreaker activities will be a great asset as the school year begins and everyone is trying to develop relationships with new students or those who are facing new situations in their lives, we have gathered a few activity ideas that might help you get the school year started off right.

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5 Things School Nurses Should do to Round Out the School Year

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The end of the school year is just around the corner! While it can be tempting to just coast into summer, school nurses have a lot that needs to be accomplished before the students have left the building. By taking care of a few important tasks at the end of the school year, you’ll make things easier for yourself as the next school year gets underway.

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