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Best Jobs For Former Athletes

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Even the most successful athletic careers eventually come to an end. While aging and injuries make it difficult to continue competing at the highest levels, former athletes have skills and experience that make them ideal candidates for launching new careers when their s
porting careers are complete.

Most athletes who compete at high levels have developed confidence, resilience and a strong motivation to succeed. These traits, along with the wide variety of relationships they have developed through their athletic careers, are all valuable for transitioning to new jobs for athletes. 

How to Choose a Post-Sports Career Path

To select the right career after sports, look for fields that have many jobs available and that fit with your unique set of strengths and abilities. Some of the best jobs for athletes are in the fields of healthcare and education, both of which are expected to remain in demand in the coming years.

Some of the best jobs for athletes require additional education, and many former athletes have the dedication and goal-oriented thinking to pursue that education successfully.

Five Jobs to Consider

If you’re looking for specific career ideas, here’s a look at five of the best jobs for former athletes, including a description of each position and why it may be a good fit for a post-sports career. 

School Physical Therapist

Athletes who have experienced injuries throughout their athletic careers probably have some experience with physical therapy. They know that physical therapists work with patients to help improve their strength, balance, coordination or mobility by prescribing specific exercises that fit the patient’s needs. In a school environment, physical therapists do the same type of work with students. The students who qualify for education-based physical therapy usually have physical or developmental disabilities and the physical therapist is part of the team of professionals working to help them better access and participate in the learning environment. 

Working with special needs children can require physical strength, which comes easily for many former athletes, as well as a goal-oriented, teamwork-focused mindset. Best of all, there is a great demand for physical therapists, especially school physical therapists. Click here to see available job openings from Soliant.

Travel Registered Nurse

Nurses undertake a variety of tasks to care for patients in hospitals or other healthcare facilities. Their jobs include patient care, recording information on patient records, administering medication and coordinating patient care with other hospital departments. Travel nurses handle all the same tasks but work on a short-term contract basis for various hospitals. This helps them meet the needs of hospitals in various locations while getting a chance to visit new places and see the country or the world.

Former athletes are well-suited to travel nursing because they are often accustomed to frequent travel and able to quickly bond with new teammates on each new assignment. And there is a strong demand for travel registered nurses. Click here to see available jobs.

Special Education Teacher 

Working with children who have learning, mental, emotional or physical disabilities requires a special calling, and special education teachers are trained to do this successfully. They adapt learning plans and teach a variety of subjects to students with mild disabilities, and they teach basic skills to children with severe disabilities. 

Most successful athletes have developed an even temperament, and that’s one of the most important qualities for a special education teacher. It also helps to be organized, detail-oriented and to have a calming nature. A number of special education jobs are available now. 

Laboratory Jobs

Professionals who work in medical laboratories collect samples of tissue or fluids from patients and test them to help physicians develop a proper diagnosis and offer treatment solutions. Lab workers might analyze blood, urine, tissue and other samples and perform the tests that are ordered by physicians. 

Laboratory jobs require strong communication skills, problem-solving skills and an ability to multitask—all skills that are common among athletes who have balanced school and sports requirements. These jobs are also in high demand. Click here to see available lab jobs from Soliant. 

Pharmacy Tech

When you work as a pharmacy technician, you work under the direction of a pharmacist, helping to dispense prescription medications to customers or health professionals. That includes confirming the accuracy of written prescriptions, measuring and packaging medications and labeling prescriptions. 

Working as a pharmacy tech requires great attention to detail, a skill that is often developed through an athletic career. And as the U.S. population ages, pharmacy tech jobs, like all healthcare jobs, are widely available. Here‘s a look at open pharmacy tech jobs from Soliant. Soliant supports athletes and former athletes and is dedicated to helping athletes find fulfilling careers after completing their sporting careers.

Are you a former athlete looking for your next career move? Search our jobs by clicking the button below. 

Contributor Tera Rowland

Tera Rowland is the senior vice president of Soliant and has worked in the healthcare staffing industry for almost 25 years in public relations, social media, marketing, and operations. In addition to Soliant, Tera worked at the Mayo Clinic as an internal communication manager and for the Children’s Miracle Network. She is a member of the American Marketing Association and the American Staffing Association. Additionally, Tera has served on the board of directors for the Jacksonville Women’s Leadership Forum as part of the communication committee. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Relations as well as a Master of Business Administration in Marketing from the University of North Florida. Tera has been published in the Huffington Post, Healthcare Finance News, Healthcare Traveler Magazine, and Scrubs Magazine. Make sure to read the rest of Tera's blogs!