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Four Reasons You Should Attend a Professional Conference This Year

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Conference season is coming up, and you may be trying to decide whether attending a professional conference is something that you should invest your time and money in.  Though not every conference is a good investment, there are several reasons that you should find quality medical conferences and attend them regularly. The benefits of attending conferences are far reaching and can help you to improve your performance and better serve your patients. Here are just a few great reasons you should make plans to attend a professional conference this year.

Make professional connections

Networking with others in your field is one of the top reasons to attend medical conferences. You have the chance to meet others who have experience in your field and get to know some of the top professionals in the space. Exchange ideas, help each other troubleshoot tricky diagnoses, and share issues that you’re facing in your profession. Networking at conferences can teach you even more than the sessions sometimes.

Increase your knowledge base

Sure, you can read the latest medical journals to get the latest information and tips to improve your practice and performance, but you can’t ask specific questions of a magazine. The learning experience at a conference is unmatched, as you can ask questions and get instant feedback from the professionals and presenters that are sharing information with you. It’s a huge benefit of attending conferences!

Learn about new technology

Both in the session rooms and in the expo hall you can find all of the latest and greatest technology, medicine, and product advancements for your field. Fill up that conference tote bag with all the samples and information that you can, then sort through when you get home to take advantage of the special offers that will be of use to your office. Many times, you’ll find discounts or free trials of new products that you might be beneficial to your office productivity or in treating your patients more effectively.

Enjoy a break from routine

While the networking and professional development gained by attending a conference is the main reason, you can’t forget the opportunity to unwind a bit and explore a new city. Be sure that you attend any networking events, but also schedule in a bit of time for yourself. See some famous nearby sites, try local culinary specialties, catch a show, or just enjoy a stroll and people watching in a new area. Adding in a little relaxation makes every work trip worth a little more.

Be sure you research the conference that you are considering and speak with others who have attended in the past to get an idea of the quality of the programming to aid in making your decision. Attending a professional medical conference can bring lots of great rewards and benefits if you find a quality environment to learn and network. Check out the top conferences in your professional field, make plans to attend and see what doors open!

Contributor Patrick Dotts

Patrick, who’s grown with Soliant over the past 12+ years, was promoted to Senior Vice President of the healthcare department in February 2022. Before that, Patrick was the director of Soliant’s nursing and allied health division. Patrick has worked very closely with not only hospitals and other healthcare facilities but also the healthcare professionals that make up their workforce. This experience has given Patrick a unique insight into the ins and outs of the medical field, especially regarding its workforce. Before Soliant, he graduated from Bowling Green University and cherishes his free time with his wife, daughter, and son. Make sure to read more of Patrick’s other blogs on nursing and allied health.