Guiding Clinical Fellows Towards Independent Practice: Tips for Mentors

With the increased staffing challenges and need for school-based SLPs, it is important now more than ever to consider how an SLPs Clinical Fellowship Year can positively or negatively impact retention rates. This session will discuss how to move towards increasing retention of Clinical Fellows entering the work force by creating a positive school-based experience. Presenters will review the ASHA Clinical Fellowship Skills Inventory rating scale, discuss challenges faced by Clinical Fellows currently in school settings, discuss ways to foster a growth mindset and promote independent thinking as well as provide resources to help promote a positive Clinical Fellowship experience.

After attending this webinar attendees will be able to:

  • Describe current challenges faced by Clinical Fellows entering the school setting.
  • Define ASHA’s ratings (1-3) on the Clinical Fellowship Skills Inventory.
  • List a minimum of 3 ways CF Mentors can foster a growth mindset and independence in Clinical Fellows.

Tips for AAC Implementation in the School Setting

Implementation of a student’s AAC device is key to the continued growth of their overall communication skills. In the school setting, on-going coaching and collaboration within a team increases opportunities and breaks down barriers students face when accessing their system. In this beginner-level course, we will describe tips on how multidisciplinary teams support the use of AAC devices across the school setting. We will identify common barriers students face when implementing an AAC device and provide possible solutions to eliminate them. Implementation techniques such as aided language stimulation and the vital role it plays in students learning their devices will be described along with opportunities for modeling within daily school routines.