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Hospital Pharmacy vs Retail Pharmacy – What’s the Difference?

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When many people think of pharmacy positions, the first thing that comes to mind is the friendly face who fills their prescriptions at the local drug store. However, retail pharmacy jobs are not the only positions out there for pharmacists and pharmacy techs to take advantage of. There are many jobs available in hospital pharmacies and though you might think they are the same, these jobs can be vastly different. Here is what you can expect in a hospital pharmacy versus a retail pharmacy.

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Concierge Medicine: Is It Right for Your Practice?

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With so much controversy and drama surrounding medical care and insurance in the United States, patients are looking for new ways to get the care that they want without feeling like a victim of the medicine machine that seems to have taken over. Patients and physicians alike can find ways to benefit from the more personal relationship and clear fee structure that concierge medicine offers. For many, the move to a concierge medicine practice is just the solution that they have been searching for, giving them a stronger relationship between physician and patient and allowing for the better quality of care that most wish for. Continue reading “Concierge Medicine: Is It Right for Your Practice?”

Educating Patients is as Important as Medicine

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When patients are diagnosed with a condition that requires extensive or long-term treatment, going the “take two of these and call me in the morning” route might seem the simplest way to go, but it can be detrimental to their personal outcome. Patient education is a very important part of the diagnostic and treatment process that should not be overlooked or glazed over. In fact, some hospitals and practices employ patient educators whose specific job it is to work with patients to improve their understanding. Those who have a better understanding of their condition, how it can affect them, things they can do to improve their own outcome, and the why and how of their diagnosis and prognosis are better patients and will have a better outcome and outlook as they go through treatment. Continue reading “Educating Patients is as Important as Medicine”

Diversity in Healthcare: Handling Discrimination in the Workplace

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We live in an age where, no matter your gender, race, or religion, you are able to go into any profession you wish. Unfortunately, we also live in a world where there is a large amount of stereotyping and discrimination still taking place. While legally you may be able to take on any role that you would like, there are those who may hold personal beliefs that you are not qualified for your job due to the color of your skin, your age, or other factors. What are you to do when faced with a patient or even a colleague who distrusts you or refuses your service because you or your staff members don’t fit their personal ideal for a doctor or nurse?

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Coping with Mistakes as a Medical Professional

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First, do no harm – the words of the Hippocratic oath are forever embedded in the memory of every person who spends even a moment in the medical profession. While our time is spent working to make the best decisions possible for the patients that have entrusted you with their care or the care of their loved ones, at the end of the day, we are all simply human. Mistakes will be made and whether they are the result of a judgment error, lack of information, or simply from distraction and being overworked, they can be detrimental and consuming. Continue reading “Coping with Mistakes as a Medical Professional”