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The Top Five Medical Breakthroughs in History

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Throughout the history of mankind, humans have been searching for the secret to living a longer life. While people continue to search for the fountain of youth, quicker results in life expectancy have come from advances in the medical field. Many of these medical breakthroughs have occurred in the last century and have been huge leaps for the world of healthcare. In this blog, we take a look at what we think have been the five biggest medical breakthroughs in history.

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7 Bad Habits Medical Professionals Should Kick (While They Tell Their Patients to)

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Though doctors, nurses and other health industry professionals often lead healthier-than-average lives (gone are the days of 9 out of 10 doctors recommending a particular brand of cigarettes,) there are a few vices that would still be good to kick while you’re asking your patients to do the same.

7 Bad Habits Medical Professionals Should Kick (While They Tell Their Patients to)

It’s no joke that doctors (and other medical professionals) are often the worst patients.

Though doctors, nurses and other health industry professionals often lead healthier-than-average lives (gone are the days of 9 out of 10 doctors recommending a particular brand of cigarettes,) there are a few vices that would still be good to kick while you’re asking your patients to do the same.

As far as bad habits go, scientific advances, knowledge, and common sense haven’t quite curbed all of the below in the halls of clinics and hospitals: Continue reading “7 Bad Habits Medical Professionals Should Kick (While They Tell Their Patients to)”

11 Steps To Becoming a Space Surgeon

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With NASA restructuring itself to get back to the moon and tickets for sightseeing trips into space on sale now, you might very well be ahead of the curve to keep an eye on the final frontier as a medical field in which to specialize.

What would it take to train to become a space doctor?

2. Become an astronaut
Some space doctors may operate similar to present-day space-agency flight surgeons: remotely or as a basic-trainer for astronauts. But when telemedicine and force-feedback remote robotics don’t cut it, companies and governments will begin to need true “astro-doctors”: physicians trained as astronauts. Such doctors in space might be employed on large, long-term missions to orbit or the Moon. They could also be on-site general practitioners on privately-funded space ventures such as orbital touring ships or hotels.

3. Master the joystick
The first thing you’d notice about cracking someone open in zero (or micro) gravity is that you would quickly have blood and possibly other fluids flying all over the place. As a result, a Yale study suggests the only way to do surgery in space is with minimally-invasive robots (either remotely or in-person.) Such tools are already being tested in simulated zero-G surgeries. On Earth, reduced mess, smaller entry scars, and shorter recovery times from minimally-invasive surgery are revolutionary. In space, those advances are the only things that would make surgery possible at all.

4. Get to know your patients’ environment
Between the sweaty air mixed with the scent of rubber, burnt wiring and off-gassing (which is how astronauts describe the smell of space stations), lunar regolith (ultra-fine soil that gets into everything human or human-made on the moon), and the insanity-inducing 24.5 hour day-night-cycle on Mars that’s so-close-but-so-far-away from Earth’s, space doctors would be well-served to study-up on ailments and conditions unique to patients in space.

5. Enter the “vomit comet”
No, you didn’t hear wrong: That’s the name for NASA’s modified McDonnell-Douglas airliner that makes parabolic flights (wild ascents, followed by nose-dive descents) to simulate zero-G.

At the top of the roller-coaster ramp, passengers experience about 20 seconds of weightlessness as the plane reaches its highest altitude and then pitches down. Such craft are the easiest way to simulate zero-G on (or, er, near) Earth for space surgery training purposes.

6. Are you ready for swimsuit season?
Another way to train for zero-G medical procedures would be in a neutral buoyancy tank: A gigantic swimming pool where swimmers wear weights to make sure they neither float to the surface nor sink to the bottom. NASA’s tank is the largest swimming pool in the world and contains a full-scale model of the International Space Station: More than enough room for a little triple bypass surgery…

7. Surgery in sections
Earth-bound doctors working with patients in space, or space-bound doctors working with colleagues on Earth will need to get used the need to operate in sections due to time delays (a few seconds on the Moon, a few minutes on Mars.) These delays would necessarily force both parties to stop and wait for decisions, opinions and next-steps: Much like NASA’s Mars rovers, which are sent instructions for one movement at a time. Instructions for the next baby steps are sent after controllers confirm the last communications were received and acted-on.

8. Get ready to improvise
Space is really a new frontier in more ways than one: Even if a doctor is available in space, that doctor will almost certainly be the only medical professional for a few thousand miles or more for the conceivable future. Your assistance in the orbital ER, your closest match to an Earth-bound colleague will likely be a fellow astronaut with rudimentary medic training…or a robot. Don’t forget extra Duracells!

9. Palliative care in spaaaace…
Recent thinking has postulated that some diseases – certain cancers, for example – could be kept at bay by low-gravity.
Add to that the common-sense of zero-G being kinder to everything from osteoporosis to old age and you’ve got a thriving practice.

Of course, one would have to find a gentler way to blast these fragile folk into space in the first place. Come to think of it, there’s another industry waiting to happen…

10. Bumps ahead!
Believe it or not, there’s actually turbulence in space: Mostly on the way to or from destinations.

But you can also encounter airplane-like bumps and pitches occasionally in orbit.

To prepare for such contingencies, a team of University of Cincinnati doctors studying space surgery practiced on a dummy while in a van being driven erratically.

11. Make friends with your local billionaire venture capitalist
Remember, the future of space belongs to the corporate world. Successful space physicians will have to go knocking at the doors of NASA, the European Space Agency and the like, but also Virgin Galactic, Space X, and other privately-owned space launches, adventure, and research groups. If you’ve done your homework, maybe those folks will actually come looking for you…

If you are a physician looking for your next career opportunity that will propel you one step closer to being a space doctor, view our physician jobs through the button below!

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The History of Physicians / Doctors

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Even in the worst of times, going into medicine is a pretty safe bet. Good thing, since the profession has existed in one form or another for more than 25,000 years.

Check out the history of being a doctor, from the Stone Age to the Information Age…It turns out that the job of being a physician was more like a hobby the farther back you go…Surgical spoon anyone? Continue reading “The History of Physicians / Doctors”

18 Recession-Proof Jobs and/or Employment Industries

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With recent economic events, more people than ever are worried about job security. Even those who  have so called “secure” jobs want to know that their jobs are going to be needed in the future. Its only natural. Most of us want to be able to provide for our families in a consistent fashion.

With stability during recessions in mind then, here are 18 of the safest professions to hold during a recession: Continue reading “18 Recession-Proof Jobs and/or Employment Industries”